If you want to change the travel dates please click on the date fields and choose other ones.

PRICE CALCULATION before pressing book now button does not involve any payment obligation, FEEL FREE TO TRY IT!

After selecting your desired arrival and departure you can see our immediately bookable offers for the period.
Select apartment quantity and enter your details!
After accepting the booking conditions, you can send your booking
The rates shown do not include city tax, which is payable in addition to the accommodation price for guests over 18 years. City tax: 500 HUF/person/night

What happens after I send my reservation?
✉️ You will receive an email shortly with the details required to transfer your deposit.
✔️ You will receive a confirmation of your booking within 24 hours after receiving your deposit.
By sending the reservation, a deposit payment obligation arises according to the conditions specified in the Booking Conditions.